Author: Roving Mick

Holidays in the Sun

Twenty five years have now passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Celebrations will be taking place, along with memorials to those who lost their lives trying to cross ‘Der Mauer’. What sticks in my memory is watching those joyous scenes of Berliners being able to cross into parts of their city which had been closed off to them since 1963.

Checkpoint Charlie!

Checkpoint Charlie!

Earlier this year I happened to visit the only other divided capital city, like Berlin at the time, on the edge of the European Union. Unlike Berlin, which was only capital to one of the two Germanys, Nicosia is capital to both the Greek and Turkish Cypriot republics. It was all too weird for my girlfriend, who had never had to use her passport to go through a border crossing in the middle of the same city. But not for me, I’d seen it all before. I visited Berlin in 1982 – at the height of the Cold War.

What made me want to see this city was the Sex Pistols song: Holidays in the Sun. One of my mates was in the Army and stationed in West Berlin. I paid him a visit and landed at Tegel Airport. This used to be France’s military airport, but was then used for civilian flights. British forces still used Gatow and America used Tempelhof airports. At Tegel, armed police, dogs and soldiers were everywhere and my bag was thoroughly searched, along with every other passenger’s baggage.

My Army mate arranged digs for me at one of his German friend’s flat and a great holiday followed. A lot of time was spent going for a beer with my mate and his Army colleagues. Two of them took me for a trip into the Eastern Sector one afternoon. They had to be in full uniform and made me refuse to hand over my passport to the East German border guards. Britain didn’t recognise the GDR, despite helping our GDP by supplying most of the materials for Der Mauer.

No doubt a lot of money was made by a lot of people from building the Wall and making it do its job. My impression of both Berlins at the time was of them being showpieces for two competing political systems, making it a very exciting place. It was obvious this scar on humanity wasn’t going to last forever though. But it was amazing how it all ended in 1989. Many politicians have taken credit for its demise. But some did more than others. President Kennedy’s famous visit in 1963 is probably the one most documented.

It wasn’t Kennedy, accidentally claiming to be a doughnut with his ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ speech, which brought the wall down. It was two other men who really made it happen. One was the former Soviet leader – Mikhail Gorbachov – who gave the order to allow people through. The other was a Polish trade union leader called Lech Walesa. His Solidarity trade union not only brought down the wall and the Soviet Bloc, they also saved the world from nuclear annihilation.

Unfortunately my contribution to its downfall was rather childish. In 1982 Westerners were encouraged to treat the Wall with disdain and being 22 metres inside East German territory, vandalism and graffiti was actually encouraged. And so after one drunken session with the squaddies, I spat on Der Mauer, relieved myself against it and wrote Blackburn Rovers on its surface. Now it is gone – Auf Wiedersehen Mauer.

Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery


Works of art outside the museum too

Works of art outside the museum too

Working in Blackburn town centre has its advantages. Loads of shops, good transport links, plenty of food and drink outlets and a few remaining good pubs. There are also plenty of things to do. One of which is being able to learn about Blackburn’s culture by going for a look around the museum and art gallery.

When I was young it was both our library and museum, on Library Street itself. But when the old Coop Emporium became Blackburn’s excellent central library, our museum and art gallery copped for all of their building. They even had an unusual occurrence of seeing the name of their road changed to its more appropriate one we now know as Museum Street.

I used to find it rather unnerving as a child seeing how eyes of faces in paintings seemed to follow you around the gallery. Fortunately those people in the paintings were all as dead as the stuffed animals and my childhood favourite exhibit – the mummy. She was one lady who really did give my friends and I the creeps.

Many people consider Blackburn Museum to be our town centre’s finest building. I particularly like the carvings decorating its walls on Museum Street and Richmond Terrace. But not everything is as it seems. You only really see two sides of this story. The museum’s right hand front side is obscured by a back alley. Even worse, when you look at the building from Exchange Street, you are met with a flat blank wall. Just down the terrace you have another even bigger square of blankness. This belongs to Blackburn’s masonic hall, where going back to square one is supposed to be part of their rituals anyway.

Ideally it would be nice one day to see the back end of our museum have an exterior of a similar character in keeping with its other outside walls. Maybe a way of helping to pay for future renovations would be to use this blank wall to help pay for its keep. From Exchange Street, you have a really good view of this wall, apart from it being partly obscured by a couple of trees.

Perhaps a good way of raising money would be to use the wall as a billboard for advertising. Many people pass this way through the town centre every day. On Saturday afternoons there is a steady stream of cars inching their way on to the Shopping Mall car park. No doubt many motorists and their passengers, over the years, have had plenty of time to take in all the views of Richmond Terrace. The museum might as well take advantage of this captive audience.

But what could be more fitting than Blackburn’s museum and art gallery advertising itself? They have the strategic location, they have a large flat surface and they have plenty of space for a billboard.

Blackburn Festival 2014 – Knocked out by Tyson

Rain had fallen in the morning and the festival was being held at the less atmospheric Witton instead of the natural amphitheatre of Corpy Park. But there was a day out to be had and it was my girlfriend’s birthday.fest 3

After catching the Outer Circle bus to Green Lane, we called in the Station and Beehive to try their real ales before visiting the festival. A hog roast teacake apiece gave our stomachs a much-needed lining. Next door to the rotating pig was the beer tent. There was already a good crowd inside and outside the tent. We could see why – They were selling Darwen’s Hop Star beer.

I’ve met Barry Tyson, the brewery’s founder, on many occasions at CAMRA festivals. It’s good to see how well the brewery is flourishing with his daughter, Natalie, at the helm. What particularly impressed me today was how well the ale had been prepared for the event and its pristine condition. Outside festivals can sometimes lead to barrels being knocked about, leading to cloudy beer. But they got it right today.

A pint of Blonde got me going, while my girlfriend opened her account with the 7% cider. Sadly for Sylvia, it didn’t take long for the cider to sell out. This was probably down to lager not being on sale. But as a real ale drinker, I wasn’t going to shed any tears about this. The wine soon sold out too and it was looking like the real ale might go the same way.

It was tempting to not leave the beer tent, but we had come to a festival. We went for an ice cream and watched a few groups play. And then we found ourselves in the midst of the crowd dancing with the Indian drummers. After my head stopped jangling, it was time to go back to the beer tent and make it jangle again through a more pleasant imbibing process.

Natalie’s ale was too good to miss and their Lancashire Gold and Lush were put away, along with a Summer ale. It was a good afternoon’s indulgence, but time to make a sharp exit before the real ale ran out. No doubt others would have similar thoughts to mine, so our party of five headed for the aptly named Witton Inn. My foresight was rewarded with an excellent pint of Blackburn’s finest – Three B’s beer. It was Weaver’s Brew tonight.

Last stop before home was the Quarryman’s up the hill. Holt’s beer finished off a really good day out. Blackburn might be running out of pubs, but it’s certainly not running out of great beer. And a good time can still be had if you go looking for it.

Turquoise Shirts And Zebras

Don't Cross Me!

Don’t Cross Me!

Rovers played out a 1-1 draw with Stoke City in our only home pre-season friendly. It was a rare visit to the Blackburn End instead of my usual Riverside seat this time. But what made things more unfamiliar was Rovers playing in their new turquoise away shirts.

Being a hot sunny afternoon, I had to blink a few times to get accustomed to this strange shade of greeny-blue. My mates and I all agreed the colour was turquoise. Reading the black letters on the shirt proved even more difficult to my waning eyesight. We all agreed red is far more effective on top of blue and white. At least there was no mistaking the new kit sponsor’s zebra.

Unfortunately zebras only come in shades of black and white. Apart from the ones who didn’t manage to escape from hungry lions. But having a red and white zebra on the shirt might not have gone down well with squeamish Rovers fans. Blue and white zebras are a strange concept and could become quite distinctive. But they might be seen as frivolous and probably not something our new kit sponsors may wish to be associated with.

But it looks like zebras might be replacing chickens as the creatures we’ve been associated with over the last few years. Our first three opponents in this new Championship season, like us, are also linked to birds and animals. Cardiff City, who we open the season with, has always been known as the Bluebirds. But their Malaysian owner not only changed their kit from blue to red, he now wants to rename the club Cardiff Dragons.

Cardiff fans have taken a lot of stick over the years due to their ‘Soul Crew’ hooligan minority. But their refusal to succumb to Vincent Tan’s attempts to destroy their club’s culture has received admiration from many fans across the football community. At the other stadium in their city, Welsh fans of the oval ball are often seen waving aloft blow-up sheep. This time they can play with blow-up zebras

A week later we trot across to the Lancashire coast for a local derby at Blackpool. We play the donkey lashers, who are going through their own tales of woe at the watering hole. Ironically, their most famous visitor came from Blackburn. He was called Albert and was swallowed by a lion. Let’s just hope it’s a good away day for us Blackburners this time and three points for Rovers. Our four legged friends keep their pyjamas on and earn their stripes at the seaside.[ebook_store ebook_id=”590″]

River Blakewater – Blackburn’s Hidden Artery

Our two old and new bus station building sites in the town centre have one thing in common.  They both have the River Blakewater flowing underneath them.  This has brought out a few talking points about Blackburn’s hidden river.  The main issue is should it be open or should it remain covered as it flows through the town centre? 

Strangely enough, the Blakewater is a mysterious watercourse to many people.  It seems to be out of sight to most of us throughout its journey from a trickle at Guide to its confluence with the River Darwen at Witton Park.  Also not many Blackburners even realise a river flows through the town centre, or indeed other areas of the town.

Interestingly enough, this river – the Black Burn – which our town is named after, actually has three names.  It starts off from its source, up Guide, as the Knuzden Brook.  It skims round Shadsworth, down to Intack, where for a short stretch it is known as Abbott Clough.  But Whitebirk is where its familiar River Blakewater name comes into use.

Here is Blackburn’s other, albeit less well known, aqueduct.  Our river flows underneath the Leeds Liverpool canal on its way through Greenbank, Cob Wall, Bastwell and Brookhouse, before going underground on Brookhouse Lane itself.  From here to where it emerges on Bridge Street could be classed as one of Britain’s widest bridges.

I can remember the river flowing open to Blakewater Street, near the lowest point of what is now Barbara Castle Way.  My great aunt lived on nearby Anvil Street.  Sadly the river at the time was polluted and was used as a dumping ground by all and sundry.  Unfortunately this should prove to be a warning to those harbouring the romantic idea of opening up the river as it flows through the town centre.  Even after all the culverting and drainage work on the river, it still floods in some places.  Darwen Street traders will endorse this.

But the one place it doesn’t flood is where it has been covered over in the town centre.  Perhaps some plan could be thought up to enhance the use of the river as a tourist attraction.  A branch of the canal, incorporating the river, from Whitebirk to Witton is not as far-fetched as some of the original canal ideas.

But after exploring Liverpool’s fascinating Williamson Tunnels, maybe something could be done to try and link up the underground river and its tributaries with our town’s Victorian sewers.  Maybe then the council could organise boat trips down Blackburn’s own Tunnel of Love.

Roving Mick Joins Foster Campaign

Dave and Edith

Dave and Edith

Following my photographic debut as an ageing male model in the Adoption campaign, I’m now adorning the pages of Blackburn with Darwen’s Fostering recruitment drive literature.

I’ve been given a different name in this campaign – I’m called Dave and my fellow model is a different lady (called Edith – not her real name), than the one who was with me in the Adoption posters. This has brought a great deal of micky-taking and hilarity in my direction. I’ve been accused of adopting women, while encouraging people to adopt and foster children.

But it’s all good fun for a really important cause. More foster carers are urgently needed in our area to provide a temporary or permanent home to children who can’t live with their families, for various reasons.

Fostering is a professional role with extensive training and ongoing support. Blackburn with Darwen Council provides a generous weekly allowance plus expenses. You will be helping local children and can be sure of regular placements, especially if you’re considering fostering as an alternative to traditional employment.

Foster carers can be from any race, culture, religion or linguistic background and can be gay, straight, single, married, widowed, divorced, disabled, employed or unemployed.

There are many different types of fostering, from providing short breaks for children with disabilities to longer term placements for children from small babies to teens.

Want more information? Check out details below:


Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

Fostering Service

Floor 2, Duke Street

Blackburn, BB2 1DH

Call Freephone: 0800 328 6919 for an informal chat or


Visit the website:

Rovers Season Tickets

Season Tickets

Roving Mick’s Season ticket collection

It’s that time of the year again.  Another season over and a new one not so far away.  This means me having to put my hand in my pocket for a new season ticket.

As my photo illustrates, this isn’t a new experience for me, more of an annual ritual really.  I bought my first ticket in 1977 and have never missed a single season since.

For Season 1977-78, my lovely grey hard-bound Ground book of tickets was printed by local Blackburn printers: Hulme & Whitehead and cost me £13 (inclusive of V.A.T.).  It was excellent value at the time, the adult gate price was 90p.  Whereas I got to watch 21 first team league matches and it was free to watch the reserves.  Season ticket holders also got first pick with their tickets when cup ties took place.

Inside its cover was a roll of club officials, including Chairman:  WH Bancroft; Vice-Chairman:  DT Keighley.

Directors:  AL Fryars; WI Hubert; D Brown; W Fox and Dr M Jeffries.  Secretary:  JW Howarth and Manager:  JM Smith.

The actual tickets inside the booklet were also grey and 42 league and 10 cup tie tickets were originally there.  Nobody knew which ticket it would be when the games came round.  This was to stop illegal use and ticket touting.

There would be a lot more season tickets on the photo, but technology took over some years ago.  Now my electronic ticket is automatically switched on when the money is debited from my bank account.  So I’ve been using the same piece of plastic for quite a few years now and another piece of plastic was used to pay for it too.

Maybe my season ticket reflects the current state of how football is these days.  Fans like me – who actually turn up at matches – are seen as mugs and just there to be milked like cows.  Yet matches are laid out to suit viewers on TV, many who have never even been to a professional football match and probably harbour no intentions of ever attending one.

Fortunately, there are a lot of supporters around like me who still enjoy watching their local team.  I look forward to buying my 38th Blackburn Rovers season ticket in a row.  Another pre-season ritual will also be followed – my hoping the price will be as competitive as the football team.

Bye Bye Blackburn Bouly

End of the road for Blackburn Boulevard

End of the road for Blackburn Boulevard

Work has now started on Blackburn’s new Cathedral Quarter.  It brings to an end over a century of use by Blackburn Boulevard as the town’s main bus station.  All that is left of our old bus station is a building site, surrounded by wooden boards.  But we have been told a phoenix will soon be rising from its ashes.

Station Square, as it was originally called, was actually triangular.  But this just about sums up Blackburn town centre – it’s never been known for getting its geometry right.  At least it was right in the centre though.  Even better, it was adjacent to our railway station, making Blackburn one of few large towns and cities with its own transport interchange.  Unfortunately, things were spoiled by it having a trunk road running through.  This often brought traffic to a standstill at peak times.

Our old Bouly was never a place for the faint-hearted.  I can remember it being populated by skinheads in the late 60’s.  Punk Rockers in the 1970’s and beggars and winos up to its final closure.  It also saw many a fracas between Rovers fans and visiting supporters from other football clubs.

Rowdy and violent behaviour will hopefully be a distant memory for this new cloistered enclave.  Ceremonial wine will be far more appropriate in the Cathedral Quarter than White Lightning and Frosty Jack cider.  Although the Adelphi will be keeping its eye on building work and hoping to benefit from any spin-offs from a new clerical community.

No doubt the finished product will be captured on film.  In 1905, pioneering Blackburn film makers:  Mitchell & Kenyon caught the unveiling of Queen Victoria’s statue.  This was probably much to the bemusement of WE Gladstone nearby.  His statue had already been there 6 years before her arrival.  They famously detested each other and the ‘Grand Old Man’ was subsequently shunted off to Blackburn College, before ending up in his present Blakey Moor home.  He has been climbed on many occasions over the years, having bottles and cans of beer placed in his outstretched hand and Rovers scarves draped around his neck.

Queen Vic seems to have got off lightly, only being left to the mercy of passing graffiti artists.  No doubt she would have banned the felt-tip pen and aerosol spray if they had been around in her day.  Let’s hope the new Cathedral Quarter will meet the Royal Approval and Blackburn’s people don’t end up saying:  “We are not amused!”

Virgin On The Ridiculous

More unwanted junk mail

More unwanted junk mail

Every day I when come home from work, there is usually some junk mail waiting for me in my porch.

Virgin Media are installing fibre optic cabling for their broadband service in my area.  As expected, they want to let everybody know about it.  This has led to a never-ending supply of their junk mail landing on my door mat.

At first I would chuck their letters in with my pile of other papers, leaflets and junk mail and bin them.  But after a while I saw it as a form of bullying, as well as an annoying invasion of my privacy.

I contacted Virgin’s Social Media team ( and they said they would stop all marketing going to my address.  But it still continues to this very day.

After a good dig on the internet, various ways can be found of stopping some junk mail being delivered to your address.  First amongst these is the ‘Mailing Preference Service’.  They will stop most items directly addressed to you.  But those annoying ‘To the Occupier’ letters give it the slip.  This because the latter is a loophole, as it is classed as unaddressed mail.

The opposite effect comes with Royal Mail’s ‘Door-to-Door Opt Out’ scheme.  This stops items without a postal address.  But it has a legal duty to deliver all mail with a ‘delivery point’, meaning to the address, rather than the addressee – which it sees as irrelevant.  Therefore it considers ‘To the Occupier’ as addressed mail.  So you can’t win!

The big problem seems to be direct marketers are self-regulating.  They take the attitude that their industry keeps a lot of paper, printing and distribution workers in employment.  They claim their industry contributes around £20M to the UK economy.  Royal Mail gets half of its business from this source too.  So they aren’t going to be very helpful in killing the goose which lays the golden egg.

On the other side of the coin, how much does it cost to dispose of the average household’s 455 items of junk mail a year? And how does it affect recycling targets this country is obliged to meet?  It seems very irresponsible to waste so much paper on something most people clearly don’t want.  It also begs the question, what kind of service can you expect from a company which refuses to comply with the simple request to stop delivering their junk mail to your home?

What Virgin doesn’t seem to realise is their junk mail is actually not serving the purpose it was set up for.  Instead, it’s having the opposite effect.  Many disgruntled people like me are so fed up with them, we wouldn’t subscribe to their service even if it was free.  They can carry on being a virgin – they certainly won’t be touched by the hand of this man.

Roving Mick Joins Adoption Campaign

letsadopt paintMany people visiting this website won’t have met me.  But a lot of you will have seen my face in Blackburn town centre.

This is down to me being the grey-haired bloke in the latest poster being used by Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Adoption Team.  I jumped at the chance of doing my bit for the recruitment campaign and hope it will encourage some of you to consider finding out more about becoming adopters.

Every year, there are around 50 young children in Blackburn with Darwen who need adoptive parents. They range from babies and toddlers to children up to the age of 8 – and occasionally older.

The good news is that most people are able to adopt and with Blackburn with Darwen, you’ll be supported by one of the best adoption teams around.

They have introduced a quicker adoption process, which takes around six months to complete and includes training in child development, forming families and the special issues involved in adopting.

Find frequently asked questions about adoption on their website: 

For more information or an informal chat, get in touch with their friendly and professional team.

Blackburn with Darwen Council
Children’s Services Department,
Floor 2, 10 Duke Street,
Blackburn BB2 1DH

T: 01254 666 806